A step-by-step journey to back pain relief
Practical online course
Do you have chronic back pain?
Is back pain normal for you?
Back pain is very disruptive. This is why it is common for people to seek help from various specialists and try countless methods to alleviate the pain. However, often the pain either doesn’t fully go away or keeps coming back.
You have nothing to lose, but you could win a pain-free life!
The next course starts on February 12, 2025.
This is a practical course where you can start applying what you've learned right away.
In addition to theoretical sessions, we will engage in practical exercises and cover a wide range of topics necessary for coping with chronic pain, creating a healthier lifestyle, and overcoming back pain. The course takes place online, allowing you to participate from anywhere. All you need is an internet connection. Discussions and follow-ups for the course will take place in a Facebook group. Therefore, it would be helpful if you are also a Facebook user.
Additional bonuses:
- The course includes a workbook that you can continue to use later to support your journey in reducing pain.
- Throughout the course, I will answer your questions, and you can receive personalized feedback on the workbook exercises if you wish.
- You will also receive several pain management tools in video format (a program of back health exercises guided by physiotherapist Helina Kalda, training snippets led by trainer Kirsti Kuhi, a relaxation technique video by Alexander Technique instructor Iren Laidma, and a guide for somatic observation techniques).
- The knowledge gained during the course will help you better understand the foundations of your health, teach you to identify bottlenecks, and find solutions. This is a journey towards better health, and you deserve it!
Topics Covered in the Training:
- Why does the back hurt?
- What is chronic pain and how to overcome it
- Health studies related to back pain and myths
- The role of mindset in the development of chronic pain
- Stress management for pain reduction
- The connection between rest, sleep hygiene, and back health
- The role of nutrition and exercise habits in back pain
- Positivity and chronic pain
Participant feedback:
„Mulle väga meeldis see, et sina kui tähtis arst oskasid kõik teemad seletada lahti nö tavalisele inimesele arusaadavas keeles. Sa oled nii soe, abivalmis, toetav ja kannatlik. Astusin välja ohvrienergiast seoses valuga. Olen motiveeritud liikuma rohkem. Nii meeldis, et tõid sisse teadusuuringuid ja seletasid need lahti punktides, mis puudutasid kursuse teemat. Mind aitab väga palju see, et ma enam ei kujuta ette seal seljas mingit nö katkist kohta.“ – Angelika
„Väga põnev ja mõtlemapanev oli kaasaegne valukäsitlus. Suurepärane kooslus põhjalikest teadmistest, delikaatsest inimeste mõjutamise oskusest ja turvalise ruumi loomisest terve kursuse jooksul! Maani kummardus!“ – Külli
„Kursus on ühest küljest ülevaatlik ja laia teemade ringiga, teisest küljest sisaldab palju praktilisi nippe ja nõuandeid. Kuigi olen aastaid seljavaluga võidelnud ja selle kohta ise uurinud, leidsin siit kursuselt uusi mõtteid. Lisaks saab siit kasulikke ideid ka hoopis teiste teemade kohta, mis otseselt seljavaluga ei seondu.“ – Meelis
„Olen tänulik, et kuigi ise olen väga palju lugenud, uurinud ja enesega tegelenud , olid teie mõtted ja ülesanded ikkagi toetavad ja küsimustik väga kasulik. Hindan väga teie panust juhtida inimeste tähelepanu sellele, et võtta vastutus ja otsida lahendust lisaks füüsilisele valule ka vaimses ja sotsiaalses osas.“ – Lehti