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Seljakooli missiooniks on jagada teadmisi ja nõu kroonilisest seljavalust vabanemiseks. Seljavalu tundub sageli inimeste jaoks selline müstiline probleem, millele justkui keegi lahendust ei oska anda. Samal ajal kui otsime lahendusi väljapoolt, on paljud neist olemas hoopis meis endis.
No matter what the problem is (such as frequent or chronic back pain), you must first look in the mirror, recognize your role in it, and take responsibility. Once this step is taken, everything that follows becomes easier.
I have always told people who come to Spine School that starting to address the issue of pain is the most important step. Once you've taken that step, a whole world of options and possibilities opens up, ones you never knew existed before.
Õppimine on investeering paremasse tulevikku! Maailm on täis lõputul hulgal teadmisi ja võimalusi, ole ainult valmis neid märkama ja kasutama!
You can find the solutions offered by Spine School HERE!
Seljakool OÜ
Registration code 16608376
Suur kaar 18, 50404 Tartu
Spine School's mission is to share knowledge and advice on overcoming chronic back pain. Back pain often seems like a mysterious problem for people, one that no one seems to have a solution for. While we search for solutions outside, many of them are actually within us.
No matter what the problem is (such as frequent or chronic back pain), you must first look in the mirror, recognize your role in it, and take responsibility. Once this step is taken, everything that follows becomes easier.
I have always told people who come to Spine School that starting to address the issue of pain is the most important step. Once you've taken that step, a whole world of options and possibilities opens up, ones you never knew existed before.
The world is full of endless knowledge and opportunities, you just need to be ready to notice and see them!
You can find the solutions offered by Spine School HERE!