Advising Patients with Back Pain in Everyday Practice

 Practical Online Course

If you are a healthcare professional and encounter patients with frequent or chronic back pain in your daily practice, then you are in the right place!

The goal of the course is to provide healthcare professionals advising patients with back pain an opportunity to explore the topics covered at Seljakool and offer practical guidelines on how to better assist back pain patients in everyday practice. The course is open to both doctors and nurses.

Back pain is very disruptive. This is why it's common for people to seek help from various specialists and try countless methods to alleviate the pain. However, often the pain either doesn't completely subside or it returns again. Every doctor who consults with patients suffering from back pain knows that it can sometimes be quite challenging. During a short consultation, it is often difficult to pinpoint a single cause for the pain, and at the same time, find a constructive solution.


Naeratav arst annab nõu seljavalu leevendamise kohta, pakkudes professionaalset abi ja harjutusi seljavalu ennetamiseks.

Advising Patients with Back Pain in Everyday Practice

 Practical Online Course

If you are a healthcare professional and encounter patients with frequent or chronic back pain in your daily practice, then you are in the right place!

The goal of the course is to provide healthcare professionals advising patients with back pain an opportunity to explore the topics covered at Seljakool and offer practical guidelines on how to better assist back pain patients in everyday practice. The course is open to both doctors and nurses.

Back pain is very disruptive. This is why it's common for people to seek help from various specialists and try countless methods to alleviate the pain. However, often the pain either doesn't completely subside or it returns again. Every doctor who consults with patients suffering from back pain knows that it can sometimes be quite challenging. During a short consultation, it is often difficult to pinpoint a single cause for the pain, and at the same time, find a constructive solution.


September 23 to October 28



Payment can also be made by invoice. To do so, please send an email to

Familiarizeyourself with the course syllabus HERE.

Course graduate

⌲ Understands the basic principles of managing non-specific back pain and its connection to overall health status.

⌲ Understands the physiological differences and management approaches between acute and chronic pain.

⌲ Understands the role of mindset in the development of chronic pain.

⌲ Acquires the use of a thought model to influence mindset.

⌲ Able to assess the impact of movement and stress on back pain.

⌲ Knows general movement recommendations and applies them daily in the management of back pain.

⌲ Able to interpret changes found in health studies within the context of non-specific back pain.

⌲ Able to analyze a patient with back pain as a whole and identify individual solutions.

: "Illustratsioon inimesest, kes kogeb trepi allosas seljavalu, ja teisest inimesest, kes on trepi ülemises osas, sümboliseerides taastumist samm-sammult.

The course takes place online, so you can participate from anywhere you wish. All you need is an internet connection.

The topic sessions take place every Monday from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM in the Zoom environment.

If you are unable to attend the live session, the recordings will be available for you to watch again until the end of October.

Course discussions and reviews take place in a private Facebook group (if you don't have a Facebook account, you will receive a link for review).

Throughout the course, I will answer your questions and am looking forward to you sharing your experiences and expressing your opinions.

The course includes bonus materials and a workbook.

If you also experience back pain, this course can help both you and your patients with just one enrollment.

"It is definitely worth participating; you gain a very enriching experience and tips on how to cope with chronic back pain and how to address this topic more thoroughly with patients."
Family doctor Karin

"I recommend the course as a very different and humane approach to such a multifaceted issue as chronic back pain. I gained many ideas on how to teach patients to help themselves!"
Family doctor Monika

"A course with a calm pace, allowing time to dive deeper. A lot of information on how to address changing patients' thinking." 
Physiotherapist Kerli

Naeratav Riina Vibo roosas särgis rohelise ja lilledega taustal.

The course is conducted by the founder of Seljakool neurologist Dr. Riina Vibo

I work as a neurologist and, with over 10 years of practice, have consulted with hundreds of patients suffering from back pain. I myself struggled with back pain for many years and am now almost pain-free. It was my personal positive experience as a patient, combined with years of experience as a doctor, that inspired me to create Seljakool, to offer the opportunity for a pain-free life to others.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do I need to be present at the LIVE sessions?

The LIVE sessions take place every Monday evening at 5 PM in the course's Facebook group and on Zoom. If you can’t attend on certain days, you can easily watch the session later. All you need is an internet connection and a Facebook account. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you will receive a link for the review.

Does this course count as medical training?

The course does not teach about the different diseases that cause back pain and is not medically focused. However, it does provide in-depth and practical guidance on how to advise patients with back pain. The training complies with the Adult Education Act, and under certain conditions, you can receive a certificate at the end of the course, which qualifies you to earn continuing education points.

How long will the course materials be available to me?

The course materials are yours to keep, and the theory sessions will be available for review until the end of November.

What technical tools are required to complete the course?

To participate in the course, all you need is a computer and an internet connection. All the necessary materials and instructions will be provided in a special Facebook group created for the course.

Can any healthcare professional participate?

Yes, all healthcare professionals are welcome. If you're unsure whether the course is suitable for you, feel free to ask for advice by sending an email

If you have any further questions or are unsure whether the course is right for you, feel free to send an email to

Naine tõstab käed üles, sümboliseerides seljavalust vabanemist.

See you in the course!

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